soon after kerry began his master’s degrees in contemporary and fine art, his photographic instinct surfaced and he felt naturally compelled to document his fellow student’s art and practices, and ultimately, all the art he saw over this 4 year period, and beyond.
as this body of work grew, from student’s to global blockbuster, he realised that this survey needed to be presented in a fashion that was viewable to all those whose work was recorded. an online, editorial style magazine was an obvious platform choice.
*documentor.com.au was created, presenting art in it’s revealing, and crediting all parties involved – the artists, curators, and galleries.
the predominant motivation around *documentor was to: ‘document the installed presence of art’, giving gravitas to the art in time and space, rather than a tight, objective framing.
Other than art (and food), kerry’s other passion is for classic, air-cooled porsches. His involvement in an online forum, and the organisation of events has had him design logos, create imagery and posters to promote these things.